About All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (ALERT)
ALERT is a medical facility located on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, known as Hansen’s disease, also known as “leprosy.” It was originally the All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (hence the acronym), but its official name now includes TB: All African Disease, Tuberculosis and Rehabilitation Training Center.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!ALERT’s activities focus on its hospital, rehabilitation of leprosy patients, training programs for leprosy personnel from around the world, and leprosy control (administration of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s regional leprosy control program). From the beginning, ALERT provided leprosy training for medical students from Addis Ababa University. Also at ALERT is the Armauer Hansen Research Institute, founded in 1970, specializing in leprosy research. There is currently a 240-bed teaching hospital, which includes dermatology, ophthalmology, and surgery departments, also an orthopedic workshop, and a rehabilitation program.
ALERT is the continuation and expansion of the leprosy hospital originally built by Dr. Thomas Lambie in 1922, which was later named the Princess Zänäbä Wärq Hospital. A memorandum to found ALERT was signed Dec. 11, 1965 by representatives of the Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa University, the International Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled, The Leprosy Mission, and Dr. Eugene Kellersberger of the American Leprosy Mission, who had had the vision for establishing such a multifaceted center and had been the main promoter of the project.
Serve as a specialized treatment, research and training resource center for Ethiopia, Africa and beyond, focused on leprosy, TB, HIV/AIDS and other relevant infectious diseases and disabilities bases on acceptable best practices.
All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (ALERT) – External job vacancy 2022
ማስታወቂያው የወጣበት ቀን ሰኔ 3/2014 ዓ.ም
Required Number of Positions: 30 – positions 0 Experience, 27 – positions with Experience
All Africa Leprosy Rehabilitation and Training Center (ALERT) invites qualified candidates to apply in the following positions:

Application Deadline: After 10 consecutive working dates after the vacancy announced on newspaper.
Up to June 24, 2022
For more: 0118963821
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