USADF Accelerate Africa Entrepreneurship Challenge
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!USADF is excited to request proposals for the USADF Accelerate Africa Entrepreneurship Challenge. Proposals are invited from eligible African youth and women-led enterprises. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of grant capital of up to $250,000. To be considered for the Challenge, applicants must be 100% African-owned and -managed private companies registered and operating in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
All instructions to apply are included in “Request for Proposals” linked below. The application template for applicants to complete is also linked below. Applicants must submit the completed application template, as well as all required attachments, on or before September 30, 2022. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis, so it is advised that applicants submit their proposals as soon as possible.
For details on eligibility and full application instructions, please refer to the Request for Proposals document below.
USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge
Application period: September 6-30, 2022
USADF is excited to request proposals for the USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Proposals are invited from eligible African off-grid energy companies. Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of grant capital of up to $250,000. To be considered for the Challenge, applicants must be 100% African-owned and -managed private companies registered and operating in Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
All instructions to apply are included in “Request for Proposals” linked below. The application template for applicants to complete is also linked below. Applicants must submit the completed application template, as well as all required attachments, on or before September 30, 2022. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis, so it is advised that applicants submit their proposals as soon as possible.
For details on eligibility and full application instructions, please refer to the Request for Proposals document below.
Fraud Alert
It has come to our attention that false information regarding a call for applications for U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) grant funding is circulating on social media in Benin.
USADF does not currently have any open calls for applications in Benin. Please also note, that the e-mail address usadfgov@outlook.fr and the phone number +33 745 345 452 – which are currently being used in the false advertisements – are not for the USADF-Washington office or any of the other USADF offices in Africa. Any questions about USADF’s work in Benin should be directed to the Benin Country Program Coordinator at this address benin@usadf.gov.
Note that USADF publishes all its requests for applications on our official website at: https://www.usadf.gov/apply.
Thank you for your understanding and vigilance.
Alerte à la Fraude
Il nous est revenu de constater que de fausses informations d’appels à candidature de l’USADF circulent sur les réseaux sociaux au Bénin.
Nous venons par la présente vous signifiez que la Fondation des États-Unis pour le Développement en Afrique (USADF) n’a encore lancé aucun appel à candidature pour le Bénin.
L’adresse électronique (usadfgov@outlook.fr) et le numéros téléphoniques +33 745 345 452 ne sont pas ceux de l’USADF-Washington, non plus d’aucune des représentations de l’USADF en Afrique. Toute question au Bénin doit être dirigée au Coordonnateur Pays de l’USADF-Benin à l’adresse approprié : benin@usadf.gov. USADF postule toute demande de candidatures de financement sur son site web : https://www.usadf.gov/apply.
Merci pour la compréhension et soyez vigilants !
Call for Proposals
Deadline for applications: September 9, 2022
The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) and Smallholder Irrigation Revitalization Program (SIRP) invite proposals from African cooperatives, producer groups, registered irrigation schemes, Farmer Group Associations located within a 10km radius of irrigation schemes, SMEs working with irrigation schemes, and enterprises for grant financing and local support for innovative solutions that extend their own capabilities to increase revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
Proposals will only be accepted from registered agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, and SMEs in Zimbabwe working directly in the Agriculture value chain. Innovative approaches to agricultural and economic development will also be considered.
Maximum award US $50,000
Apply now!
Deadline for Applications: September 30, 2022
USADF invites applications from registered African agricultural cooperatives, producer groups, processors, and enterprises for grant financing. Grants will support solutions that extend your organization’s own capabilities to increase your revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
USADF is accepting applications in the following countries and sectors:
Burkina Faso: cashew, honey/beeswax, maize, onions, rice, shea butter, tomatoes | Burkina Faso apply here |
Burundi: coffee, palm oil, potato, rice | Burundi apply here |
Liberia: cassava, cocoa, goat, palm oil, rice, vegetables | Liberia apply here |
Senegal: rice, millet, maize, horticulture, banana, cashew | Senegal apply here |
South Sudan: cassava, coffee, maize, shea, sorghum, sesame | South Sudan apply here |
Somalia: fishing, frankincense, job training/youth employment, livestock, rice, sesame | Somalia apply here |
Uganda: cassava, coffee, maize, rice | Uganda apply here |
Zambia: agri-energy hybrid, dairy, fish farming, oil seeds, rice | Zambia apply here |
Soumettez votre demande de financement maintenant !
Date limite de réception des demandes : le 30 septembre 2022
La Fondation des Etats-Unis d’Amérique pour le Développement en Afrique (USADF) invite les coopératives Africaines, les groupements de producteurs et les entreprises à soumettre des demandes de financement pour des subventions de financement et l’assistance locale de solutions innovantes qui vont accroitre les capacités des organisations pour augmenter les revenus, créer des emplois, améliorer les revenus des producteurs, et assurer une croissance durable axée sur le marché.
USADF accepte les demandes de financement dans les secteurs et pays suivants :
Télécharger la demande de subvention
Call for Proposals — USADF Uganda
The U.S. African Development Foundation (USADF) invites proposals from African cooperatives, producer groups, and enterprises for grant financing and local support for innovative solutions that extend their own capabilities to increase revenues, create jobs, improve farmer incomes, and achieve sustainable market-based growth.
Proposals will only be accepted from registered agricultural cooperatives, producer associations, agricultural processors, youth-led enterprises, and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda working directly in the coffee, maize, rice, cassava, vegetable oil (including palm oil), and dairy sectors. Innovative approaches to agricultural and economic development will also be considered. This includes, but is not limited to, digitization, information technology, and agricultural solutions using renewable energy.
The maximum award amount US$250,000.
Download the Grant Application here. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2022.
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