ቀን:- 19/03/2015 ዓ.ም
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የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ጤና ቢሮ በሲ.ዲ.ሲ ፕሮጀክት የገንዘብ ድጋፍ የኮንትራት ሰራተኞችን በቢሮው ስር ባሉ የጤና ተቋማት ውስጥ ቀጥሮ ለማሰራት በአዲስ ዘመን ጋዜጣ በቀን 18/03/2015 ዓ.ም የቅጥር ማስታወቂያ ማውጣቱ ይታወቃል፡፡
በመሆኑም በኮንትራት ቅጥር ማስታወቂያው ላይ የተገለፀውን ተፈላጊ የችሎታ መለኪያ የምታሟሉ አመልካቾች ይህ ማስታወቂያ በአዲስ ዘመን ጋዜጣ ከወጣበት ቀን ጀምሮ ባሉት ተከታታይ ሶስት የስራ ቀናት ውስጥ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ጤና ቢሮ 1ኛ ፎቅ በአካል በመቅረብ መመዝገብ የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን፡፡
አመልካቾች ለምዝገባ ሲቀርቡ፡–
- ኦሪጅናል የት/ት እና የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ እና
- የታደሰ የሙያ ፍቃድ ማስረጃ ማቅረብ ይጠበቅባችኋል
- Job Title:- Clinical Programs Lead
Job Summary
Under the guidance of DPHP Deputy Bureau Head, the Clinical Programs Lead will lead the activities of all clinical programs implemented as comprehensive HIV treatment care and support programs at AACAHB with main focus on HIV prevention, case detection, surveillance/enhanced response, optimizing linkage, rapid ART initiation, retention in care/treatment, access to VL/result utilization, DSD, lab support, M&E and quality improvement activities.
To that end, the Clinical Programs Lead is expected to assist, oversee, control and evaluate the different clinical area advisers and focal persons.
- Participate AACAHB annual planning/continuation application preparation for comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment services
- Participate on regional TWG related to HIV prevention, case detection, care & treatment ,PMTCT and execute assignments including revision of SOP and training materials related to HIV prevention, case detection, care & treatment ,PMTCT,
- Support also initiative like cervical cancer screening integration to HIV service, IPC and TB_DSD activities
- Support implementation of customized and innovative approaches to enhance case detection, linkage, rapid ART initiation, protecting ART treatment cohort by preventing and bringing back lost to follow up clients
- Optimize access to VL service and result utilization including high VL management as per national guideline
- Implement/strengthen new and existing differentiated service delivery models (e.g. ASM,MMDs DSD for advanced HIV disease, CAG)
- Lead clinical mentorship implementation in the region as per regional clinical mentorship platform by ensuring preparation of plan by mentoring facilities, availing revised mentorship instrument, attend/
- Organize case review session and provide update orientation for mentors
- Ensure cascading of identified new initiatives at sub-cities and facilities
- Participate on related thematic trainings when needed and ensure quality of training
- Collaborate with stakeholders like ANOPA,TA partners and CIP to leverage resource and ensure optimal and efficient implementation of regional HIV clinical programs
- Prepare/revise supportive supervision checklist and conduct as per regional SS plan
- Review/analyze data identify gap and prepare improvement plan on monthly bases and follow its implementation. Moreover, ensure also quarterly DATIM report is timely collected, reviewed and correction made before submitting to CDC/PEFAR
- Regularly attend monthly performance review meeting session by engaging all stakeholders at region level
- Document best experience across 3’90s and replicate to other sites
- Design and implement quality improvement projects on major/persistent identified gaps in comprehensive HIV prevention, care and treatment services implementation
- Ensure availability of latest Guideline/provider support tools/client education materials and job-aides at supported health facilities in the region
- Internist or Pediatrician with Master in public health with minimum of 4 years’ experience in which 3 years in HIV/AIDS programs OR MD with MPH in public health with minimum of 10 years’ experience in which 5 year is in HIV/AIDS programs.
- Experience in HIV program technical coordination at organizational level in Governmental or Non-Governmental organizations or at regional level is must
- Received training on HIV and new initiatives in the last 3 years is mandatory
- Experience in teaching, mentoring, organizing and conducting training in HIV program and Experience in development of national/regional documents related to HIV/AIDS Programs are advantageous
- Excellent interpersonal and coordination skills
- Proficiency in written and spoken English
Computer skills (MS Office and statistical packages
Required No. 1 (One)
Terms of Employment – Up to September 29 2023 G.C contract with the possibility of renewal
Salary: – as per the organization scale
Work place: – Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau
- Job Title: Senior Clinical Advisor ,Pediatric PMTCT Advisor
Job purpose Summary
Under the general guidance of Family Planning sub-process/Project coordinator, the Senior Clinical Advisor ,Pediatric PMTCT will be responsible for the design, planning, delivery, monitoring, evaluation of high-quality HIV programmer; and specifically the elimination of mother to child transmission (eMTCT) and pediatric ART services.
Actively participate in implementing CDC COAG project related PMTCT and pediatric treatment care and support activities within the Regional Health Bureau & HIV team,
Duties and responsibilities will include:
- Support implementation of CDC project COAG related PMTCT and pediatrics HIV treatment, care and support activities at facility, sub city and RHB
- Support rolling out of Option B+ through training and mentoring of health care providers at facilities providing PMTCT services
- Assist in implementation of quality improvement approaches to improve retention of HIV positive mother and HEIs in care services.
- Strengthen the capacity of Case Mangers and MSGs to improve retention of HIV+ women and family members in care and treatment services.
- Support implementation of the updated PMTCT monitoring system in line with the Option B+ strategy.
- Support training on safe pregnancy and FP counseling, and also promote integration of FP and HIV services.
- Assist and actively participate in integration of FP and TB screening in PMTCT services
- Support in Scale-up of couples counseling and partner testing, facilitate male friendly services, and establish a monitoring system related to these services.
- Support in identifying facilities that needs minor renovation to restore basic function.
- Support in improving the referral system to ensure continuum of PMTCT care.
- Support the catchment area meetings and conduct regular regional review meetings.
- Provide technical assistance in planning, development, implementation and monitoring in PMTCT in the HFs ,sub cities and regional office levels
- Provide technical inputs for proposal development and actively engage in leveraging/mobilizing funds and trainings for PMTCT
- Facilitate regional, intersectoral collaboration and coordination to ensure integration of the HIV/PMTCT activities with other sectors.
- Support knowledge management initiatives through collecting information, exchange of knowledge/experience or lessons learned and required follow up action.
- Coordinate need based trainings and PMTCT mentorship programs in the region
- Assist in the monitoring of performance of Case managers and MSG in retention of PMTCT Clients and establish/strengthen linkages with community based PMTCT support services
- Promote Quality improvement activities in working closely with the regional M&E team
- Organize and conduct Supportive supervision
- Promote Catchment area and MDT meetings
- Assist in assuring quality of data collected at health facility level ,sub city and regional health office level
- Lead and/or oversee identification of, and activities related to integration of PMTCT services with broader HIV and AIDS services as well as family planning, maternal health and other reproductive health services
- Prepares and submit Monthly reports and Participate in semiannual and annual performance reports
- performs other duties as deemed important
- MD/with specialty in pediatrics/Gyn-OBs, with Mph
- At least 5 years’ experience in PMTCT /pediatric HIV care
- Basic and TOT trainings in PMTCT(including Option B+)is required
- Comprehensive /basic ART (Adult and pediatric)/IMAI and IMNCI trainings
- Significant knowledge of the continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health.
- Demonstrated ideally 5 years’+ experience in the design, implementation and management of HIV/PMTCT
- Commitment to integrate gender, diversity and other power-related issues into programmed activities
- Demonstrated experience of developing effective working relationships with senior stakeholders from government agencies, NGO, academics and opinion leaders, including successful advocacy and influencing.
- Strong communications skills
- Strong writing and presentation skills in English for reporting on program activities are essential.
- Excellent problem solving, program management and program implementation skills.
- Experience working in a non-governmental organization, specifically USAID is an
Asset/USAID-funded projects
- Recent experience delivering HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs
- Required No. 1 (One)
- Terms of Employment Up to September 29 2023 G.C contract with the possibility of renewal
- Salary: – as per the organization scale
- Work place: – Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau
- Job title/Position :- Lead Hospital HIV/AIDS programs Coordinator
Job description
The position holder is responsible for coordinating Hospital and Health Center based Mentorship program, Catchment Area meeting and case review meetings, He/she is also responsible for supporting and assisting the Hospital management in selecting and assigning mentors based on set criteria, setting mentorship schedule for facilities and assist in organizing and archiving mentors feed backs and reports, support HIV program data management at hospitals and co-ordinate HIV/TB and project programmers at lead hospitals.
- Having trainings on Consolidated ART (Basic/TOT),Clinical mentoring, PMTCT/Option B+ is mandatory
- 5 years and above of which 3 years is in comprehensive HIV/AIDS programs
- Experience in clinical mentorship and coordination is an added value
- Knowledge of the health system of the country is essential
Salary: – as per the organization scale
Required Number: 01 /One/
Terms of employment: Up to September 29 2023 G.C contract with the possibility of renewal Duty Station: Hospital
- Officer
Job purpose Summary
The Health Facility HIV Care, Treatment and Support Officer will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of facility level HIV care, treatment, Support and VL-suppression activities. He/ She will also be responsible for coordinating the bilateral facility-community referral & linkage system at the assigned health facility.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
- Planning and site level target setting
- Linkage and ART Initiation
- TPT/MHI/FPI/Cervical Cancer screening
- Quality Improvement /QI/
- Supply Chain Management /SCM/: Ensure adequate supply of ARV and OI drugs are available in the HFs
- Recording and Reporting; Make sure that all treatment, care and support related registers are complete, consistent and clear.
Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
- BSc Degree in Public Health or Nursing
- Minimum of three years progressive experience in the area of HIV care and treatment.
- Excellent computer skills with knowledge of the internet, Microsoft word, excel and power point
- Excellent team work, verbal and written communication, flexibility and adaptability, Patience and problem solving skill.
- Basic ART or PMTCT training is Mandatory
Salary: as per the organization scale
Required No. 01 (One)
Terms of employment: Up to September 29 2023 G.C contract with the possibility of renewal Duty Station: AtHealth Centers level
- Job Title : Health facility Detection Officer
Job Summary
The incumbent will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of facility level partner testing service and KP friendly service. She/He will be responsible for coordinating the bilateral facility-community linkage system at the assigned health facility. He/She reports to the health facility head and the S/C HTS/KP/PS coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities
- Lead development of partner services micro-planning and implementation
- Improve case detection to meet site level target for new HIV patients
- Initiate and provide partner service at sites
- Collaborate with case management program to enhance testing demand creation and disclosure
- Track the status of HIV positive referred to other HF
- Coordinate with other stakeholders and SCHO level cadre who are supporting the implementation of PS
- Support KP friendly clinical services at the facility
- Coordinate with community based organizations to facilitate HTS for high risk population and necessary referrals
- Review and analyze PS performance and submit regular report
Required education and experience
- BSc Degree in Public Health or Nursing
- At least 5 years of experience working in health facilities at least 1 year in HIV/AIDS service care and program area
- Good computer skills with the knowledge and experience of use of Ms office package, written and verbal English
- Good team working and problem-solving skills
- Basic ART or PMTCT training is Mandatory
Salary: as per the organization scale
Required No. 01 (One)
Terms of employment: Up to September 29 2023 G.C contract with the possibility of renewal Duty Station: AtHealth Centers level
Global Fund project
Level: – Grade II
1. Responsibilities to undertake:
Under direct supervision of national TB program coordinator and disease prevention and control directorate director, National &Regional TBL and TB/HIV control program technical adviser will be in charge of the following main duties and possibilities: –
2. Requirements: Educational back ground and work experiences:
Desired: – BSc with MPH & at least 10 years’ experience OR MD+MPH with 6 years’ experience
And at least 02 years direct experience on working TBL/TB-HIV & MDR-TB program implementation at national, regional, zonal (sub city) & wereda level is mandatory.
3. Skills Required:
4. Accountability
Salary: As Per the Organization scale
Terms of employment: Contract
Duration of contract: Six month with possible extension
Work place: – Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau
- Vacancy for Influenza and COVID-19 Laboratory Expert
As part of implementing Influenza and COVID 19 surveillance activities, Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau would like to announce a vacancy for competent and interested individuals for the following posts. The qualified individual will work with National Influenza and Arbovirus Reference Laboratory and Regional Influenza Sentinel site testing laboratories
The intended candidates should have the following roles, responsibilities, qualifications and experiences:
Job Description
Under the direct supervision and the technical support from regional PHEM/ and laboratory head the employee has the following assignments.
Roles and Responsibility:
- Receive and conduct laboratory tests of ILI/SARI site samples for influenza and COVID-19.
- Support other lab activities including routine lab testing, quality and safety implementation as per the need from the lab
- Support sentinel sites for better implementation of SARI/ILI surveillance
- Properly record, achieve and keep laboratory data
- Properly archive samples based on protocols
- Facilitate and ship Influenza/ COVID-19 samples to national influenza reference lab for further testing and regular rechecking
- Facilitate, support and conduct influenza and COVID-19 EQAP participation of the lab
- Prepare and share reports to the next level.
- Support in development and standardization of guidelines/SOPs/case definitions/reporting formats/brushes/leaflets.
- Support in strengthening surveillance system in areas of respiratory viruses including Influenza and COVID-19
- Develop laboratory SOPs, quality and safety manuals for the testing site.
- Guide in specimen management including optimal specimen transport.
- Ensure the availability of laboratory commodities and reagents in the laboratory.
- Participate in RRTs to quickly detect and respond any respiratory diseases outbreaks through trainings and exercises.
- Other activities assigned by the lab head
Job Requirements
MSC in microbiology with background in medical Laboratory science, with a minimum of two (2) years’ experience.
- Experience in molecular and ELISA methods is desirable
- Effective in communication, multi-tasking, organizational and prioritization skill
- Ability to meet deadlines; work independently and cooperatively with team members
- Experience in COVID 19 testing is desirable.
Salary: As Per the Organization scale
Terms of employment: Contract
Duration of contract: Six month with possible extension
Work Place: Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, Regional Influenza Sentinel site testing Laboratories.
Reporting to: Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau and Regional Public Health Institutes including lab head, Ethiopian Public Health Institute/ National Influenza and Arbo virus Reference Laboratory.
Number required: (01) One.
- Female applicants are encouraged.
- Experience requirement for all positions are from the time applicants hold current required qualification level /After Graduation/.
How to Apply: Interested applicants who fulfill the requirements are must come for registration physically. She/he must bring original and non-returnable copies of resume, educational, training Certificate and Work experience documents for verification to the Human Resource Management and Development Directorate of Addis Ababa City Administration Heath Bureau within 3 (three) consecutive working days of the first date of announcement.
Address: Registration will be conducted in Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau Human Resource Management Directorate 1st Floor; around Megenagna, at Afarnesis Building.
Tel:- 011-833-25 04