NGO Vacancy Announcement – Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS)
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following positions.
Position 1: Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Senior Expert (Re- Advertised)
Key performance Areas
- Collaborate with head planning, monitoring, evaluation reporting and learning in the preparation of Plans and coordination of planning, monitoring, evaluation, learning and CEA activities of the National Society;
- Actively takes part in the development, adoption and contextualization of Standard Operations Procedures and operational guidelines on Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and program/project quality assurance frameworks such as Community Engagement and Accountability and other overseas their implementation;
- Take part and plays a key role in coordinating strategic plan preparation & review;Coordinate and provide technical support to HQ work units and branches on Annual Operational Plan preparation;
- Ensure the quality of Annual Operational Plan prepared by HQ work units and branches and ensure their vertical and horizontal integration;
- In close collaboration and coordination with program responsible work units at HQ annually compile Annual Operational Plan, consolidated budget and periodic reports of the NS;
- Takes part in Project Planning Process; Works with Program/Project Coordinators in the preparation of Program/Project Monitoring and Evaluation Plan;
- Collect, document, incorporate key issues from Project Field Monitoring Reports in to the NS Periodic reports and disseminate for enhancement of organizational learning;
- Prepare reporting time table and monitor timely preparation and submission of reports to internal and external stakeholders; lead, coordinate and provide technical support to HQ work units and branches on periodic report preparation;
- In close collaboration and coordination with program responsible work units at HQ compile periodic reports of the NS; In close collaboration and coordination with responsible work units at HQ and branches organize periodic program review sessions to review the progress of the Program Plan;
- Coordinate a joint field monitoring visits, prepare their reports and disseminate the findings to all relevant stakeholders; Develop Internal and joint project evaluations’ TOR based on their M&E plan and upon the approval of the internal/joint evaluation TOR organize Evaluation steering team, Evaluation team and undertake the evaluation;
- Prepare and document evaluation reports and disseminate for relevant stakeholders; Assist Management Action Plan preparation as a result of evaluation reports and follows-up their implementation;
- Assure the quality of TORs prepared for external evaluations, inception and final reports thereof;
- Organize and coordinate relief items post distribution monitoring of for distributions directly undertaken by the HQ;
- Organize community of practices[1], develop wikis and blogs in major program thematic areas to enhance learning in the NS;
- Work to support planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning activities with up to date technologies;
- Set out how CEA activities and approaches will be implemented as part of ensuring the quality of Programs/Projects; Integrate CEA into M&E processes for Programs/Projects, ensure communities are consulted and feedback is regularly collected and documented to understand levels of satisfaction with the Programs/Projects;
- Deliver PMEL & CEA training to staffs, management and volunteers in collaboration with the capacity building work unit; Reports periodically its performance to planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning director;
- Work Unit: Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Service
- Reports to: Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Service
- Terms of employment: Permanent after probation period
Qualification Requirements:
- Second/First Degree in Economics, Management, Statistics, Development Studies, Regional Local and Development Studies,
- 6/8 year work experience on humanitarian and development projects’
Trainings and Skills-
- Advanced training and skills on the following is required:
- Training on Project/Program Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Training on Community Engagement and Accountability
- Training on Project Management;
- Training on Mobile & remote Data Collection systems such as Kobo Toolbox, ODK, Magpi, Commacare – Training on Microsoft Office package especially advanced skill on Microsoft Excel; and data Visualization tools such as Power BI, Tableau
- Training on Analytical tools such as SPSS, Stata;
Workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: August 14, 2023
Position 2: Emergency Medical Service Coordinator (EMS Coordinator)
Key performance Areas:
- Plan, lead, co-ordinate and monitor ECHO funded ERCS Emergency Medical Service.
- Develop Integrated Plan, organize Joint Monitoring, Periodic Evaluation & set automated, uninterrupted report structure at all levels of the structure.
- Organize joint monitoring, annual review meeting with regional/zonal branches, FMOH, movement partners, and pertinent stakeholders.
- Consolidate and analyze activity performance and financial report from the regions and provide the necessary feedback to regional branches consistently and submit/share report quarterly for DRM director, ECHO project coordinator and AutRC Delegation office.
- Advocate, disseminate and organize training on health care in danger (HCiD), Psychosocial support (PSS), Safer Access Framework (SAF), (Safety & Security) First aid (FA),
- Develop the ERCS training manuals and standards for (HCiD), (PSS), (SAF), (Safety & Security) (FA),
- Critically review the emergency health-related aspect, service standard, Ambulance service database, training modules of ERCS, periodically review and update ERCS Ambulance management manual, FA Manual, and related others on emergency health.
- Introduce new way of working modality, technology backup, automated reporting structures at all level (EOC and database establishment, installation of appropriate communication facilities and dispatch centers etc).
- Expedites and facilitates the procurement process and distribution of ambulances to branches, improve the fleet arrangement and back up with the required technology.
- Tackles problems and handles issues referred to him/her from ECHO funded EMS implementing branches on matters of emergency health, first-aid and ambulance service;
- Follows up the procurement of Ambulance medical equipment, distribution and proper utilization as per ECHO and ERCS standards.
- Administers training of trainers to volunteers and pertinent personnel of the Society and branches on emergency health, first-aid, and ambulance service;
- Ensures and follows up that ambulance services are adequately provided to the public in areas where ECHO funded EMS the service is in place;
- Works with concerned work units and branches of the Society and service users at the community level on the improvement of the EMS service related matters.
- Ensure proper establishment and documentation of ECHO funded ambulance service operational, fleet, financial and historical data.
- Facilitates the preparation and submission of progress reports for emergency health, first-aid and ambulance service activities from implementing branches.
- Coordinate, collaborate and cooperate with service stakeholders RCRC Movement and Non-Movement partners.
- Organize service review meeting, lesson learnt workshops at the national at branches implementing ECHO funded EMS service.
- Work Unit :- Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Department
- Reports to: Disaster Risk Reduction /DRM manager
- Terms of employment: – Contract for one year
Qualification Requirements:
- Second degree/ First degree/ in Clinical Nursing/ Public Nursing/ Public Health / health related field.
- 8/10 years related work experience, out of which 2/4 years on senior professional position(s).
Workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: August 15, 2023
Position 3: FCDO Programme and Partnership Advisor (supported Project of BRC/NLRC TA)
Main responsibilities
Donor communication and Capacity building.
- Ensure that effective channels of internal and external communications relating to FCDO grants are established and respected. Ensure that ERCS management and technical staff understand donor communication protocols and provide copies of correspondence for files.
- Provide support to ERCS to assure that all documents prepared for FCDO are well written and reviewed for all activities and funding related to FCDO funding support in Ethiopia.
- Provide guidance and capacity building on FCDO donor requirements and grants management through facilitating trainings in report writing, budget management, compliance, and other topics as needed.
- Liaise with ERCS and support ERCS FCDO project team to proactively identify compliance risks throughout the portfolio and advise ERCS programs, support teams and management on necessary actions.
- Liaise with relevant stakeholders within ERCS and using relevant processes, of any potential grant agreement breaches, including fraud, bribery or aid diversion; and including ownership of communication.
- Act as liaison between ERCS and the BRC/NLRC technical support to the project.
Engagement and programme development.
- Work closely with the BRC FCDO team in UKO to get support in strategic engagement with FCDO.
- Work closely with the BRC fundraising team in UKO to explore opportunities and continued support to the operations.
- Provide contextual updates to British Red Cross Regional Country Office in Nairobi through the NLRC country office based in Addis
- Maintains relations with BRC UKO and BRC Regional office counterparts ensuring information are shared with relevant Advisers and officers.
- Perform any other related duties or responsibilities that may be assigned
- Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities.
- Supports and actively participates in all team meetings
- Work and behaves in accordance with all BRC/ERCS policies and procedures
- Upholds the fundamental principles of the Red Cross and acts with integrity, in accordance with the Society’s values (inclusive, compassionate, courageous and dynamic).
Coordination & Representation
- Act as a main focal point for BRC/NLRC side for the FCDO-consortium partners.
- Establish and maintain an active participation in regular coordination mechanism among all FCDO consortium partners with the support of BRC/NLRC
- Ensure donor compliance at all levels.
- Contribute to coordination and sharing of lessons learned, good practices and tools from FCDO.
Work Unit :- NLRC Country Representative in Ethiopia
Reports to: NLRC Country Representative in Ethiopia
Terms of employment: – Contract for one year
Education/ Training
- Master’s/ Bachelor’s Degree preferred in social studies or related field, Regional and Local Development studies, Public Health, International cooperation, Disater Risk Management
- Fluent in English
- 8/10 years related work experience, out of which 2/4 years on senior professional position(s). Strong experience in a grant management capacity with excellent writing skills and experience in writing proposals/concept notes
- International experience in similar contexts, developing and managing international donor relationships, contracts and fundraising activities, particularly FCDO.
- Experience within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement or membership-based non-governmental organizations
- Extensive experience delivering programmes in a complex working environment.
- Experience working for a humanitarian aid organization in a similar context
- Experience in capacity building of partners
Workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: August 15, 2023
Position 4: Senior Accountant-EC2R Project (Re-Advertised)
Key performance Areas:
- Coordinates the recording, analysis and financial statement preparation activities of core cost and projects in accordance with the Society’s policies and procedures in place;
- Prepares appropriate classification of codes for each transaction for recording; Analyzes the recording of transactions and performing posting;Prepare financial statements;
- Ensures that the financial reports of branches are properly tracked, recorded and consolidated with that of the National Secretariat, statement of income and expenditure account, cash flow statement, balance Sheet and other financial statements issued timely and properly;
- Follows up the evaluation and analysis of monthly trial balances, quarterly statements of income and expenditure account and of any other financial information and the provision of qualified information for management decision making;
- Checks the agreement of the balances of subsidiary ledgers and that of control accounts in the general ledger and tests the equality of debit and credit totals (trial balance) of the general ledger account balances;
- Closely follow up the timely collection of receivables and payment of payables and make sure that all receivables are payables are fully cleared at the end of every quarter and no balance is carried forward
- Examines and checks all registers for correctness and the register totals for general ledger posting; Prepares periodic and end-of-period financial reports and statements resulting from subsidiary and general ledger accounts;
- Extracts account balances from the general ledger and prepares schedule of accounts upon request by management or to complete the accounting cycle;
- Organizes maintenance of books of accounts, journals, ledgers and supporting documents in accordance with standard practices and accounting manual;
- Prepares appropriate classification of codes and postages of all relevant transaction documents on the various control and subsidiary ledger accounts; and proposes additional or new codes if necessary;
- Verifies that closings and auditing of books of accounts are carried out in due course;Verifies correctness of statement of accounts for receivable and payable accounts as well as bank reconciliation; Verifies Follows up the entry of financial transactions are in accordance with the accounting system in place of the Society;
- Checks that financial documents, ledgers, journal vouchers and supporting documents are maintained and organized in accordance with the accounting system of the Society;
- Ensures that all transactions of disbursements and receivables are journalized and posted into respective ledgers timely;
- Make sure that all payables and receivables are cleared on quarterly basis and no outstanding balances of payables and receivables are carried over to the next period; Ensures that the Society’s accounting documents are properly organized;
- Ascertains that account records are maintained in the proper classification of codes per the accounting procedure of the Society;Verify the correctness of the calculation of the deductions from the employee salary;
- Provides branch offices with professional assistances in performing accounting activities; follows up the financial reports of the branches;
- Facilitates and follows up the preparation and communication of project financial reports as per commitments made with funding agents and pertinent financial policies and procedures of the Society;
- Ascertains that closings of books of core cost and project accounts of the Society are carried out in due course; Follows up and facilitates the timely delivery of reports from branches; Arranges and organizes financial documents for auditing by internal and external auditors;
- Ensures that financial documents, ledgers, journal vouchers and supporting documents are maintained and organized in accordance with the accounting system of the Society;
- Conducts pertinent studies on how to improvise the day-to-day activities of the work unit; Prepares and submits monthly, quarterly, biannual and annual reports on the performance of the work unit; Make sure that no receivables and payables are outstanding at the end of the year
Work Unit :- Accounts Division
Reports to: Account Manager
Terms of employment: – Contract for one year
Qualification Requirements:
- Second/First degree in in Accounting/ Accounting & Finance/ & Accounting Software
- 6/8 years related work experience, out of which 2 years in a senior position(s)
Workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: August 15, 2023
How to Apply
We invite candidates meeting the required qualifications to fill out online employment application form
With the indicated link: https://ee.humanitarianresponse.info/x/IyUTlyf1 before the closing date of this announcement on August 15, 2023.
Qualified women are strongly recommended to apply!
Remind this:
- Read the vacancy announcement carefully.
- Check the vacancy details with eligibility.
- Prepare your CV or Application Details.
- Finally, apply as instructed by the authority.
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