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Ministry of Water and Energy - Ethiopia Job Vacancy Announcement 2022 - Sewasew
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Ministry of Water and Energy – Ethiopia Job Vacancy Announcement 2022

Ministry of water and energy

Vacancy Announcement

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Required Number: 13 – positions with experience

Ministry of Water & Energy would like to hire experienced professional with finance from the World Bank towards the cost of the Second Ethiopian Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Project. Hence, those interested and who fulfill All the following requirements are invited to apply.

Position 1: Wastewater Speclallst

Requlred Qunlitcation: shall have MSc/PhD in Water Supply and
Sanitary Engineering

Experence:- 8/6 years or above experience and strong capability ofthe
subject matter, and capacity to offer trainings.

No. of Positlont:- One

Salary: as per the project seale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.
Electro-Mechanical Engineer

Position 2: Electro-Mechanical Engineer

Required Qualification:- PhD, MSC/BSc degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering or other related fields

Experience:- 10 years of relevant work experience for BSc degree or 8
years of relevant work experience for MSc degree or 6 years of relevant
work experience for PhD.

No. of Position:- One

Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and Towns.

Type of reeruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 3: Senior Social Safeguard Speclalist

Required Qualification: PhD or MA or BA degree in Sociology, Social
Work and Social Administration or other related fields.

Experience: – 10 years of relevant experience for BA degree or 8 years
of experience for MA degree or 6 years of experience for PhD of which the candidate should have at least 5,4 and 3 years of working experience in donor financed projects respectively.

Experience Requirement

The candidate should have knowledge of Govemment of Ethiopia and donor financed project guidelines and procedures

Experience in effective stakeholder engagement, grievance redress

Fluency in English language (poken, listening and written)

No. of Positiont- Two

Salary: as per the project seale

Place of work: Addis Ababa vwith frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: ful tinme assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.
Senlor Contract Management Specialist

Position 4: Senior Contract Management specialist

Required Qualification: shall have BSc/MSc degree in Contract Man-

Experience: 12/10 years with specific contract administration and
management experience of at least two projects on contract manage
ment, administration, claim similar training on procurement of contract
management is mandatory.
Capacity to offer trainings.

No. of Postiont:- Two

Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 5: Senior Water Supply Engineer

Requlred Qualification: MSc or above in Water Supply and Sanitary

Experience: – 8 years or above experience in water supply and sanita-
tion sub-sector.

The capacity to offer trainings

No. of Positions:- one

Salary: asper the project seale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recrultment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 6: Transit Expert

Requlred Qunlificatlon: BA and above in logistics/supply management
or other buşiness related field.
Experlence:- 4 years or above experience as a Transitor. Proven famil-
iaríty with donor financed procurement guidelines and procedures pref
erably the World Bank Standard Bidding Documents for procurement of
goods, works and services.
Strong capability of communication on the subject matter

Strong capability of communication on the subject matter
No. of Positions:- one

Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Addis Abuba with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 7: Financial Management Specialist

Required Qualification: BA in Accounting or Accounting and finance
and MA/BA in Acounting/Finance/Economics/Business Administra-
tion/Management or ACCA Certification.
Experience: -12 years or above experience at least 4 years in the public|
sector financial management with familiarity with donor financed proj-
ects and financial management.

Good command of Peachtree accounting systems; with knowledge of IBEX/IFMIS as an added advantage

Good command of Microsof offices (Word, Excel, Power Points)

Capacity to communicate in English

The capability to provide trainings

No. of Positions:- one

Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 8: Senior Electromechanical Specialist

Required Qualifcation: MSc and above in Electromechanical/Electrical, Mechanical Engineering.

Experience:- 8 years in pump test, generator installation, generator servicing and maintenance, pump installation and servicing and related wa-
ter works.

Strong capability of communication on the subject matter

The capacity to offer trainings

No. of Position:- one

Salary: as per the projeet scale

Place of work: Addis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 9: Accountant

Required Qualifcation: BAMA in Accounting and finance

Experlence:- 4/2 years or above work experience

Good command of Peachtree accounting systems; with knowledge of IBEX/IFMIs as an added advantage

No. of Positlon:- one

Salary: as per the project seale

Place of work: Addis Ababa

Type of reeruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be
rencwed every year based on evaluation of perfomance.

Position 10: Seeretary

Required Qualification: BAMBA/Sccretarial duties.

Experience:- 6/4 ycars or above experience at least 3 years in handling project

administrative duties.

No. of Position:-one
Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Addis Ababa

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be renewed
every year based on evaluation of performance.

Position 11: Internal Auditor

Required Qualification: BAMA in Auditing, accounting and finance and
Experience: 10/8 years or above experience of auditing at least 3 years in donor financed development projects.

No. of Position:- one

Salary: as per the project scale

Place of work: Adis Ababa with frequent field trip to Regions and Towns

Type of recruitment: full time assignment and the contract will be renewed every year based on evaluation of performance.

Job 1
Job 2
Job 3
Job 4
Job 5

Application Deadline: December 02, 2022

How to Apply:

Address for application: Interested applicants fufilling the above requirements are

invited to submit their applications with non-returnable CV, Educational testimony,
Work experience and any other relevant Documents by mail or in person to the Ministry of Water & Energy Head office Personnel section, ground floor Room No.
006/007 on Haile G/Selassie Avenue with in 10 consecutive working days from the
date of this announcement on the Ethiopian Herald.

Women are highly encouraged to apply
Ministry of Water and Energy

Human Resource Administration Team

P.O.Box 5744

Ministry of Water and Energy

Ministry of Water and Energy – Ethiopia Job Vacancy Announcement 2022
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