ክፍት የሥራ ቦታ ማስታወቂያ
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ ምርጫ አስፈፃሚ ሰራተኞችን በጊዜያዊነት መቅጠር እንደሚፈልግ አሳውቋል።
ምርጫ ቦርድ 6ኛው ሀገራዊ ምርጫ በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች ባልተካሄደባቸው የተወሠኑ ምርጫ ክልሎች ላይ በተያዘው ዓመት ምርጫውን ለማከናወን የቅድመ ዝግጅት እያከናወነ መሆኑን ገልጿል።
በዚሁ መሠረት በአማራ ክልል ፦
– በሮቢት፣
– በኤፌሶን፣
– በማጀቴ፣
– በሞላሌ እና በአርጎባ ልዩ ምርጫ ክልሎች ለሚያካሄደው ምርጫ፤ ምርጫ የሚያስፈጽሙ ሠራተኞችን #በጊዚያዊነት_ለመቅጠር እንደሚፈልግ ገልጿል።
በተጠቁሱት አካባቢዎች የሚኖሩ በምርጫ አስፈጻሚነት በገለልተኝነት ማገልገል የሚፈልጉ እና ከፓርቲ አባልነት ነፃ የሆኑ ከጥር 8 እስከ ጥር 15 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም እንዲያመልክቱ ጥሪ አቅርቧል።
የምልመላ መሥፈርቱ ፦
• ዕድሜው/ዋ ከ18 ዓመት በላይ የሆነ/ች፣
• የማንኛውም የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ አባል ያልሆነ/ች፣
• መኖሪያ አድራሻ፦ በምርጫ ክልሉ ውስጥ በሚገኙ ቀበሌ ውስጥ የሆነ/ች፣
• የትምህርት ዝግጅት፦12ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀ/ች እና ከዚያ በላይ የሆነ/ች፣
• የሥራ ቦታ፦ በተጠቀሱት የምርጫ ክልል ውስጥ በሚገኙ ቀበሌ እና ምርጫ ጣቢያዎች፣
• የክፍያ ሁኔታ፡- በቀን ብር 250 በድምሩ፣
• በክልሉ የሥራ ቋንቋዎች መግባባት የሚችል/የምትችል ቢሆኑ እንደሚመረጥ ቦርዱ አመልክቷል።
ሴት አመልካቾች ይበረታታሉም ተብሏል።
መሥፈርቱን የሚያሟሉ በዚህ ማስፈንጠሪያ https://pollworkers.nebe-elections.org/recruitment ከዛሬ ጀምሮ እስከ ጥር 15 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም. ለ8 ተከታታይ ቀናት እንዲመዘገቡ ጥሪ ቀርቧል።
Vacancy announcement
The National Election Board of Ethiopia has announced that it wants to hire election executive staff on a temporary basis.
The Election Board has stated that it is making preliminary preparations to conduct the election in the current year in certain constituencies where the 6th national election was not held due to various reasons.
Accordingly, in the Amhara region:
– In Robet,
– In Epheon,
– In Majete,
– For the election to be held in Molale and Argoba special constituencies; He stated that he would like to #temporarily_hire election enforcement staff.
Those living in the mentioned areas who wish to serve as election officials independently and who are independent of party membership, are invited to apply from January 8 to January 15, 2015 E.C.
Recruitment Criteria:
• Age above 18 years,
• Not a member of any political party;
• Residential address: Any person in the kebele in the constituency.
• Educational preparation: Completed 12th grade and above,
• Place of work: Kebele and polling stations located in the mentioned constituencies;
• Payment conditions:- Birr 250 per day in total,
• The board indicated that those who can communicate in the working languages of the region will be preferred.
Female applicants are also said to be encouraged.
Those who meet the criteria can apply through this campaign https://pollworkers.nebe-elections.org/recruitment from today until January 15, 2015. A call has been made to register for 8 consecutive days.
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