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Abyssinia Award Job Vacancy Announcement with Zero Year Experience

Abyssinia Award

Abyssinia Award External Vacancy Announcement

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Abyssinia Award would like to invite qualified applicants for the following vacant positions.

Position 1:- cleaner

Required Qualification: 10ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀች
ተፈላጊ ጾታ፡ ሴት ብቻ
Quanitity Required: 2
Experience: 0 years
Salary: 3000.00
Deadline: November 18, 2022
workplace: Addis Ababa

Position 2:- Case worker (ጉዳይ አስፈጻሚ)

Required Qualification: ዲፕሎማ በተዛማጅ የትምህርት መስክ
ተፈላጊ ጾታ፡ ወንድ ብቻ
Quanitity Required: 38
Experience: 0 years
Salary: 5500.00
Workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: November 18, 2022

Position 3:- Promotion Officer

Required Qualification: ዲፕሎማ በተዛማጅ የትምህርት መስክ
ተፈላጊ ጾታ፡ ሴት ብቻ
Quanitity Required: 12
Experience: 0 years
Salary: 7500.00
workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: November 18, 2022

Position 4:- Call Center Operator

Required Qualification: 10ኛ ክፍል ያጠናቀቀች
ተፈላጊ ጾታ፡ ሴት ብቻ
Quanitity Required: 8
Experience: 0 years
Salary: 4500 Birr

workplace: Addis Ababa
Deadline: November 18, 2022

Position 5:- Branch Manager

Required Qualification: የመጀምሪያ ዱግሪ በስራ አመራር ወይም በተመሳሳይ የትምህርት መስክ የተመረቀ/ች
Quanitity Required: 3
Experience: 0 years
Salary: 11500

workplace: Addis Ababa

Application Deadline: November 18, 2022

How To Apply

አመልካቾች ዋናውንና የትምህርት እና የስራ ልምድ ማስረጃ ከማይመለስ ፎቶ ኮፒ ጋር በመያዝ ቦሌ መድሃኒያለም ኦሮሚያ ህንፃ 2ኛ ፎቅ ቢሮ ቅጥር 207- B ባለው ቢሮ በመምጣት መመዘገብ ትችላላቹ ለበለጠ መረጃ +251913052888/ +251966727070 በመደወል መረጃ መጠየቅ ይቻላል
N.B: Sewaseweth.com website is an online jobs search engine for jobs seekers in Ethiopia and other countries. If you are looking latest jobs in Ethiopia and other contents you are in the right place. In addition to this, we offer you new international scholarship opportunities. Just remember to visit the official website for the latest jobs vacancy. You can access new job vacancies easily where you are.
ድረ-ገጽ:- www.sewaseweth.com/jobs
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Abyssinia Award Job Vacancy Announcement with Zero Year Experience
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