Vacancy Announcement – Siinqee Bank
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Siinqee Bank would like to invites competent and interested candidates for the following Positions.
Position 1: Senior Customer Service Officer-Cash I
Qualification: BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 2 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 years as, Customer Service Officer, Internal Controller, or equivalent.
Job Grade: IX
Work place:
Branches under East Finfinne District (Chofo, Liben Chukala, Lemi Kura, Shala, Kello Meskela, Megersa Beri, Beshale, Bole Bulbula, Migira, Robele, Cheffe Aneni,
Golbo, Gara Guri, Loke, Jate, Harbu Mari, Gora,Africa Avenue and Aria Beshale Branches ),
Branches Under West Finfinne District ( Derara Kefeni,Ejere, Elfeta, Holota, Hora Ambo, Mamo Mezemir and Nono and Dire Sololia Branches),
Branches Under North Finfinne District ( Sheria & Ali Doro Branches),
Branches Under South Finfinne District (Bakanisa, Garbi, Labu, Lafto Tumtu, Tulu Ejersa, Walabu and Wachacha branches),
Branches Under Adama District (Abomsa, Abomsa, Arboye, Burka, Dabe Soloke ,Dembela ,Erecha, Geda Kilole, Hara Dembel, Jahan Jille, Karayu, Kechema Logia, Ogolcho, Olanchiti & Sirebranches),
Branchues Under Nekemte District (Yubdo,Yamawelel, Wayu, Wera Jiru, Sibu, Sayo Nole, Nunu, Nole Kaba, Mendi, Mechara, Lalo Asabi, Loya Guduru, Kiremu, Kiltu Kera, Kumsa Moroda, Jarso,Homa, Hawa Gelan, Gori, Gidami,- Genji, Gelila,
Ebantu, Dale Lalo, Boji Chokorsa, Belem, Bandira, Babo Gambel, Ayiraand Anger Gute branches),
Branches Under Jimma District (Chora Botor, Dedo,Didesa,Gera, Gore, Nedhi Gibe,Nopha,Omo Nada,Sale Nono, Setema, Sigima, Umi and Gembella branches),
Branches Under Dire Dawa District (Abubeker Musa,Jara Aba Geda,Maya,Mufti Sh/Adem Tula, Aweday, Chinaksan, Gola Oda, Goro Muti, Gursum, Mayu Muluke, Midega Tola, Bordode, Doba, Mieso and Jaja branches). Branches Under Shashamene District (Alhusna,Agarfa, Aje,Berbere, Dawe Kachen,Dello Sebro,Gura Dhamole,Harena Buluk,Kore, Lega Hidha,Meliyou, Obora,Sewena Shashamene and Siraro branches) and
Branches Under Hawasa District (Teltele, Dire,Dilo,Dhas,Melka Soda, Karcha, Hambela Wamana, Gerba, Gelana, Birbirsa Kojowa, Saba Boru, Goro Dola, Girja, Dama and Aga Wayu branches).
Position 2: Senior Customer Service Officer-Cash II
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 2/3 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Senior Customer Service Officer- Cash I, Senior, Internal Controller I, or equivalent
Job Grade: X
Work place:
Branches Under West Finfinne District (Gefersa Nono Branch),
Branches Under Dire Dawa District (Bedessa Branch)
Branches Under Nekemte District: (Nekemte Branch)
Position 3: Customer Service Manager I
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 2/3 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Senior Customer Service Officer –Cash I, Senior Internal Controller I or equivalent
Job Grade: X
Work place:
Branches Under North Finfinne District ( Abote, Ali Doro, Birbirsa Ya’i, Dalati, Biriti,Chancho, Eka, Dera, Fiche, Gerba Guracha, General Tadese Biru, Gulele, Habebe Tufa,Haile Fida, Hidhebu, Kera Alo, Kuyu, Obori, Sedafa, Sheraro,Sheria, Sheno, Tulu Milki, Welgeho & Yaya Gulele Branches),
Branches Under East Finfinne District (Aria Beshale,Africa Avenue, Gora, Harbu Mari, Jate, Dalo Budena, Loke, Gara Guri, Golbo, Cheffe Aneni, Robele, Gumbichu, Wera Genu, Migira, Bole Bulbula, Beshale, Megersa Beri, Figa, Kello Meskela, Gara Baru,Tulu Dimtu, Shala, Kalati, Oda Nebe,Melba,LemiKura,Liben Chukala, Hora Arsede, Harbu, Gerji, Erer, Dukem, Dembi, Chofo, Akaki, Adea and Liben branches),
Branches Under West Finfinne District (Abdi Nono, Abuna Gindeberet,Agemsa, Asko, Artist Hachalu Hundessa,Birbirsa Siba, Balemi,Birmeji, Teqwa,Derara Kefeni, Dire Inchini,Ebisa Adugna, Ejere, Elfeta,Gedo, Holota,Hora Ambo,Jeldu, Kachise, Mamo
Mezemir,Meta Wolkite, Nono, Olenkomi, Shek Bekiri Sapalo, Shenen, ombo, Sulula Gerbi, Sululta, Taro & Tibe branches),
Branches under South Finfinne (Afran Woliso, Amaya, Art. Ali Bira, Asgori, Bakanisa, Elemo Kiltu, Garbi, Goro, Labu, Lafto, Lemen, Lafto Tumtu, Sebeta, Sebeta Hawas, Soddo Dachi, Teji, Tulu Ejersa, Wachacha, Walabu, Walate & Selsabil branches),
Branches Under Adama District (Abomsa, Amigna, Arboye, Arsi, Awash Melkessa, Barentu, Batu, Bedetu, Boku Shanan ,Bora,Burka, Chaffe, Chole, Dabe Soloke, Derartu Tullu, Degaga, Dembela, Dhaka Adi, Dhera, Diksis, Erecha, Geda Hara Dambel, Honkolo, Huruta, Jahan Jille, logia, Lugo, Mereo, Nejashi, Ogolcho, Olanchiti, Shirka, Sire, Sole, Sude,Tidjo, Ticho, Tokuma, Walkessa, Geda Kilole, Kechema &Kereyu branches),
Branches Under Nekemte District ( Abishe Gerba,Ano, Arjo, Dembi Dollo,Dele Lalo, Fincha’a, Gimbi, Guduru, Guliso,Gute, J/Sayo, Kumsa Moroda, Loya Guduru, Leka,Nunu, Oda Buluk, Shambu,Wayu, Nekemte & Yubdo branches),
Branches Under Jimma District, Gembela, Hawetu, Nur, Shenen Gibe, Yayo, Umi, Sokoru, Shebe, Omo Neda, Mettu, Kersa Jimma, Halu, Gore, Gera, Firisa Aba
Waga, Didu, Dega, Dedo, Darimu, Dabo, Botor, Bedelle, Alge Sachi, Agaro, Aba Jifar,& Aba Gemechis branches),
Branches Under Dire Dawa District (Aweday, DireDawa, Gurawa, Keremille, Chiro, Babile, Gelemso, Hirna, Gursum, Deder, Kersa Harer, & Doba branches),
Branches Under Shashamene District (Adeba, Awasho, Bishan Guracha, Gindhir, Goljota, Harufa, Jara, Kokosa, Kore, Kuyera, Negele Arsi, Robe, Serofta, Shashamene, Sinana, Uta Wayu& Worka branches),
Branches Under Hawasa District (Adola Rede, Bora, Dama,Negelle, Uraga,Bule Hora, Yabelo & Hawasa branches).
Position 4: Customer Service Manager II
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 3/4 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Manager Banking Operation Management I, CSM I, Senior Customer Service Officer –Cash II or equivalent
Job Grade: XI
Work place:
Branches Under North Finfinne District (Aleltu,Degem,Wera Jarso,Jida, Lega Tafo,Sululta,Mendida, &Wuchale branches),
Branches Under East Finfinne District (Finfinne and Gelan Branches),
Branches Under West Finfinne District (Burayou, Dendi, Ambo, Bako, Inchinni, Gefersa Nono, Meta Robi, Oda Bisil, Sayo, Kote Kutaye Branches),
Branches Under South Finfinne District (Dawo, Dilalla, Geresu Dhuki, Seden Soddo, Tole, Tulu Bollo, Woliso & Wonchi Branches),
Branches Under Adama District (Arsi Robe, Bokoji, Ego, Hetosa, Meki, Modjo, Sagure &Torban Obo, Adama, Asela & Munesa Branches),
Branches Under Jimma District (Chora, Gomma, Jimma, Limu Kosa, Mana, Nono Benja, Seka &Chokorsa Branches),
Branches under Dire Dawa District (Harar, Bedessa, Charchar Branches).
Position 5: Manager, Banking Operation Management I
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: : 2/3 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Senior Customer Service Office- Cash I. Senior Internal Controller I, or equivalent
Job Grade: X
Work place:
Branches Under Hawasa District (Aga Wayu, Ana Sora,Bore, Haro Walabu, Mi’e Boko, Saba Boru,Uraga,Wadera,Abaya,Birbirsa Kojowa,Bule Hora,Dugda Dawa, Galana,Gerba,Kercha, Melka Soda,Dhas, Miyo, Dire & Dubuluk Branches),
Branches Under Shashamene District (Berbere, Dawe Kecha, Dello Sebro, Dinsho, Goljota,Hasasa,Jarra,Lega Hidha,Meda Wabe, Meliyou, Serofta, Siraro, SoufUmer, Worka Branches),
Branches Under Adama District (Abomsa, Arsi, Awash Melkessa, Bedatu, Hara Dembel, Huruta, Jahan Jille, Kechema, Shirka, Tidjo, Ticho, Karayu, Geda Kilole, Dembela, Aseko, Dumuga & Keter Branches) ,
Branches Under South Finfinne District (Elemo Kiltu, Jamo, Labu, Lemen and Quse Dinagde Branches),
Branches under North Finfinne District ( Ali Doro , Biriti, Dalati, Eka, General Tadese Biru, Abebe Tufa, Kara Alo, Kuyu&Sheno Branches),
Branches Under Nekemte District ( Adere, Babo Gambel, Bandira, Boji Chokorsa, Ebantu, Gudeya Bila, Gidami, Gori,J/ Horo, Jarso,Mendi , Uke , Wara Jiru, Bilo, Guliso,Harato and Kiltu Kara Branches),
Branches Under Jimma District ( Albereka, Alge Sachi, Bilida,Bilu , Boreha , Didessa,Doreni, Gumay,Sibo, Yayo, Shenen Gibe,Nur, Hawetu, Gembela Branches),
Branches Under West Finfinne District (Hurufa Rare,Mamo Mezemir & Shek Bakiri Sapalo and Dire Sololia Branches),
Branches Under East Finfinne District ( Melba, Kelo Meskela, Beshale, Bole Bulbula, Migira, Robele, Loke, Jate, Harbu Meri, Gora, Africa Avenue & Aria Beshale Branches)
Position 6: Manager Banking Operation Management II
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 3/4 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Manager Banking Operation Management I, Customer Service Manager I, Senior, and Customer Service Officer –Cash II, Senior Internal Controller II or equivalent.
Job Grade: XI
Work place:
Branches Under North Finfinne District (Aleletu, Warra Jarso & Degem Branch)
Branches Under Jimma District (Jimma and Mana Branches)
Position 7: Branch Manager
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 3/4 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Manager Banking Operation Management I, Customer Service Manager I, or equivalent
Job Grade: XI
Work place: Branch Jimma (Sigmo Branch)
Position 8: Branch Manager I
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields.
Work Experience: 4/5 years’ General Work Experience of which 1 year as Manager Banking Operation Management II, Customer Service Manager II, or equivalent.
Job Grade: XII
Work place: Branches Under South Finfinne District: (Leman, Sodo Dachi and Selsebil) -Re Advertised and (Welete, Artist Ali Bira, Lafto Tumtu, Goro and Madero Branches) –Newly Advertised.
Branches Under West Finfinne District (Dire Sololia Branch)
Branches Under Jimma District (Agaro, Bedele) Re-Advertised, (Aba Jifar, Shebe, Albereka Branches)
Position 9: Manager, Credit Analysis & Loan Recovery (Re-Advertised)
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields
Work Experience: 8/9 years’ General Work Experience of which 2 years as Team Leader on Operational positions, Branch Manager II, or equivalent
Job Grade: XIV
Work place: Dire Dawa District
Position 10: Manager, Customer Relationship Management
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields.
Work Experience: 8/9 years’ General Work Experience of which 2 years as Team Leader on Operational positions, Branch Manager II, or equivalent.
Job Grade: XIV
Work place: Hawasa District-Re- Advertised, and Dire Dawa District (New)
Position 11: Manager, Banking Business & Operation Management
Qualification: MBA/MA/BA degree in Management, Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, Economics or related fields.
Work Experience: 8/9 years’ General Work Experience of which 2 years as Team Leader on Operational positions, Branch Manager II, or equivalent.
Job Grade: XIV
Workplace: Hawasa District-Re- Advertised, and Dire Dawa District (New)
Deadline: August 30, 2023
How to Apply
Interested applicants who meet the above requirements can submit their application in person
Registration place: – Siinqee Bank S.C Talent Acquisition & Onboarding Directorate 2nd floor (Kazanchis Oda Tower) – For external Applicants and All District Offices for both Internal & external Applicants.
Contact Phone: +251115571135
End date: August, 30, 2023
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Internal Candidates shall be applied only for one step Job increment.
One candidate can apply only for one post; any applicants applied for two & above shall be rejected.
Remind this:
- Read the vacancy announcement carefully.
- Check the vacancy details with eligibility.
- Prepare your CV or Application Details.
- Finally, apply as instructed by the authority.
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